• 916.346.4277
  • info@nativedadsnetwork.org

Our Background


Where we come from

The birth of NDN began as part of Mr. Mike Duncan’s journey, a Con-Cow/Wailaki/Wintun California native and NDN’s Executive Director. Prior to developing a vision of NDN in 2010, click here to view the SacBee article, Mr. Duncan experienced many of the challenges faced by indigenous / native communities when confronted with lack of culturally and linguistically sensitive services (i.e., prolongation of stigmas, on-going isolation, discriminative and inappropriate healing modalities). Since 2010, NDN has expanded its wings as conferences and services have been organized and delivered to indigenous / native communities living in Northern California and nearby areas.

After program evaluation in 2017, NDN (Executive Director, Board of Directors, and Volunteers) have developed a strategic plan (i.e., a roadmap for accomplishing specified goals – including allocation of current resources, organizational growth, and approaches for continuing to reach our mission and vision).